20 Things This Mom Is Planning to Do This Summer

Summer is not only here but it seems as though it's flying by! There is so much that I still want I'd to do with the family.

A black woman overlooking a lake with sailboats on it

Minneapolis is known for its 10,000+ lakes and I plan to hit up several as well as enjoy many other outdoor activities because old man winter will be here before we know it!

I don't like to using the term summer bucket list, because hey, I ain't going nowhere! But if you are looking for things to do this summer with your family, look no further. I've got you covered.

15 Things This Mom Is Planning to Do This Summer

1. Start and actually finish a book

2. Pack an outdoor meal and head to the park

3. Give myself a nice summer pedicure

4. Go on a bike ride with the hubby or kids

5. Buy fresh produce at the Farmer's Market

6. Walk at a lake at least once a week

7. Take in music at the lake or park

8. Put up a badminton set in the backyard and play a few rounds with the kids

9. Visit a waterpark

10. Eat ice cream at fancy Ice Cream shop

11. Try something new - a new restaurant, or activity

12. Take the kids to get fancy doughnuts

13. Visit Minnehaha Falls

14. Dine on a rooftop or patio

15. Head to Lake Minnetonka and dine at a waterfront restaurant

16. Take in a ballgame - either the MN Twins or Saints

17. Try Yoga in the park?

18. Visit the Rose Garden

19. Eat tons of food at the MN State Fair

20. Attend a Jazz festival, and other fairs and art shows

Be sure to follow me on Instagram to catch all the fun!

What fun things do you have planned this summer?