7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going Natural

It's been about ten months since I finally decided to go natural. I couldn't be happier about my decision to rock my natural hair, but there are truly some things I wish I had known before I did.

a black woman with naturally curly hair

I've had a lot of people ask me about my natural hair journey and I thought I would share a few things that I've learned about my own hair along the way. I know I'm newly natural but perhaps someone will find these tips helpful.

7 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going Natural

a black woman with naturally curly hair

1. Transitioning is hard

I tried to transition five separate times and each time, I couldn't deal with the two different textures. It was harder for me to comb my hair. It just flat out made it nappier which made me think that it was my natural hair causing all the problems and I would give up and relax it. My suggestion is to cut it off.

2. You get a huge boost of confidence after the big chop

They say that when a woman cuts her hair, she's about to change her life. When I big chopped my hair (cut the remaining relaxer off), I had so much confidence. You couldn't tell me nothing. It was freeing!

a black woman with short naturally curly hair

The Big Chop! May 2017

3. You might get stares and looks from others or not as many

You may get more looks from people who are curious about your natural hair.  Sometimes, people stare and that's okay. You know you look good. You might even notice that you don't get as many looks as you used to. But seriously, who cares? You didn't go natural for the attention right? You did it for you.

4. Natural hair is manageable.

This was an epiphany. For years I had thought that my hair was unmanageable and just nappy. I honestly had no idea my natural hair was full of curls and waves.

5. Nowadays it's easier to go natural than you think.

It's not like it was decades ago when all you had was grease and water. There are so many companies putting out natural hair care products, you are bound to find something that works for you.

6. Coloring your natural hair will make your curls pop.

I liked my natural curls just fine but when I colored them, I loved them even more. You can see the definition so much more. Just make sure to take good care of your hair so it doesn't get damaged.

7. Your hair is not like anyone else's.

I have had many failed attempts at trying curly hairstyles on YouTube and Instagram. I would follow all the directions, buy products and do the exact steps and it would not work for me. Why? Because my hair is different from theirs. Plain and simple.

It's all trial and error. It takes a lot of practice and tons of hair care products to find a natural hair care regimen that works just for you.

All in all, I love wearing natural hair and don't have any plans to change it. I relaxed my hair for 32 years! It was time for something different.

How has your natural hair journey been? Are you relaxed or transitioning? What do you think is stopping you?