When Tragedy Hits Your Kids School

The past few days have been somber for us. Our lives have literally been rocked by the Minnehaha Academy explosion.

This is my son's school.

My heart grieves for the lives that were lost by this tragic event.

Ruth Berg took tickets at the basketball games. One day, I had a migraine and she went out of her way to help me get what I needed. She even checked on me later to make sure I was okay.

John Carlson was such a sweet man. When my husband and I were new to the school, he helped us find our way around the during teacher conferences.

We're also praying for those still in the hospital hoping that they will make it. What's crazy is, school is supposed to start in three weeks. You can't help but be thankful that this didn't take place while school was in full session.

Front of school

As we watched the attempt to clear hanging debris from the wall, we watch the whole thing come down right before our eyes. This was especially troubling as we all knew one victim was still under the rubble.

After the smoke cleared. This building was built in 1912 and will probably have to come down.

How to Cope When Trategy Hits 

1. Pray, pray, and pray some more. I cannot tell you enough how important this is to keep your mind right.

2. Attend vigils or prayer services to show solidarity. There is strength in numbers and it helps to be around those who can relate.

3. Talk with your child. No doubt your child will have a lot of questions. Don't be afraid to be real with them.

4. Take it one day at a time. It will get better. Eventually.

5. Don't be afraid to seek counseling if you need it.

We still have so many questions. Will the school be safe when they return? Where will my kid go to school? But I know that God has it all under control. Every. Last. Part. This is a time that we really have to put our faith and trust in him.

Please pray for the families that have been affected by this tragedy.