7 Tips for Coordinating Your Family's Easter Outfits

I can hardly believe that Easter is less than two weeks away! I've been busy shopping around for our
Family Easter outfits. Every year we try to match each other for Easter and we get a lot of compliments.

We've been coordinating our Easter outfits since the kids were little. But it's gotten increasingly hard now that my children are grown and out of the house. We've also traded our frilly dresses, slacks, and ties for a more casual everyday look.

Whether you're into traditional Easter clothes like suits and Easter dresses a more casual clothing, I've got a few tips to help you look good at all of your Easter activities.

7 Tips for Coordinating Your Family's Easter Outfits

1. Every year I pick a theme. One year it was turquoise, another year it was orange and denim. Last year we went with the Pantone colors of the year - light pink and light blue. This year... well that will be a surprise.

2. Choose a color or style every has or will like. Want to dress up for Easter? Make sure everyone agrees.

3. Try to think of what you already own. When I chose white and dark blue denim family Easter outfits I knew that was something we all had in our closets.

4. Don't want to spend a ton of money? Update your blouse or shirt only. No need to keep buying new suits and dresses if you will only wear them once. This will help you save money on Easter clothes.

5. If you're into more traditional Easter outfits pick something like pastel colors and coordinate that way.

6. Match the boys and girls separately. Find a cute Easter dress in several sizes. Do the same for the boys.

7. If matching Easter outfits is too hard of a sell, decide who will match. Because I now have grown kids, it's harder to get everyone on board. This year it will probably be just me and my girls.

Remember, don't be so rigid. In the past, we matched to a tee. No variations of a color whatsoever.

Sometimes you get an individual that wants to go rouge. (I won't mention any names). Just save yourself the headache and go with the flow.

Do you and your family dress up for Easter?