Thymes Vanilla Ambrette Candle + Thymes Warehouse Sale 2016 Update

Every fall, thousands of women get their pockets books ready for one of the most amazing local warehouse sales. Of course, I'm talking about the Thymes Warehouse Sale.

While at the Thymes event last year,  I picked up one of their new fall scents, Vanilla Ambrette in a candle and home fragrance mist. I think I paid $14 for the two of these, regularly priced $53. That was a major steal!

This candle is still going strong today, a year later. And it doesn't even look like a used it. Talk about a high quality home fragrance!

Now. About that update that you are waiting so patiently for. Usually, I get a brightly colored post card in the mail and it gives me all the details on the upcoming sale. I received no such post card this year.

Oh Lord, please not again! 

Last time there wasn't a Thymes Warehouse Sale I had no idea what to give for Christmas. Plus the whole city felt abandoned. Like we were no longer loved. Okay, that's an exaggeration, but you get the point.

Turns out, there will be a Thymes Warehouse Sale (thank goodness) they just don't know where and when at the moment. But if you want to stay in the loop, you can sign up for email updates on the Thymes facebook page.

UPDATE! The Thymes Warehouse Sale is on! November 10th - 12th. Visit the facebook for more info.

Are you excited for the Thymes Warehouse Sale?