Healthy School Lunch Snacks for Teens

School is officially in session and this year my son will be bringing a lunch from home more often.

My son has been begging me to bring a lunch from home for years but it's always just been easier for him to eat at school. Now that he's in High School, things are different. School lunch is pricey and it's more affordable to pack a lunch. So that's what we're doing and my son couldn't be happier.

Of course, I like it because it's a great opportunity for me to add healthier foods into his diet. Like fresh fruit and veggies. Well, he loves fruit, not so much veggies. I don't mind. At least he's getting some sort of fiber.

Another good option is adding organic snacks like Annies Chewy Chocolate Chip granola bars and Annie's Cheddar Bunnies.

He likes junk foods, what teen doesn't?  I'd much rather give him an Annies organic granola bar than a candy bar. Annie's Cheddar Bunnies are a better choice than regular potato chips. I myself could eat these all day!

I'll be honest, we don't always eat organically, but I try to serve it where I can and Annie's has always made it easy for me to get healthier foods options into our diets.

Why not give Annie's Homegrown snacks a try for yourself! Visit the website for more Lunch Box Yum ideas!

Do your teens eat organic foods?