Curly Girls! Get a Free Ebook from Curly Niki and Dark & Lovely + Au Naturale Coupon

Natural hair sistahs can download a free ebook from natural hair expert, Curly Niki courtesy of Dark & Lovely.

Source Dark & Lovely

About When Good Hair Goes Bad: Tips and Tricks for Restoring Your Gorgeous, Healthy, Natural Hair:

For those seeking hair tips, When Good Hair Goes Bad is an easy to read e-book that provides responses to all of your natural hair questions from hair color and protective styles to straightening gorgeous curly locks.
Source Dark & Lovely
"Women across the world have requested my advice on how to truly manage their natural hair. I am thrilled to work with Dark and Lovely to help share my experience and expertise in an attainable way," says When Good Hair Goes Bad author Nikki Walton. "I wanted my second book to be easy for people to get their hands on and Dark and Lovely is the driving force for making this happen."
Get your free Ebook at

"Dark and Lovely has a full portfolio of products—whether you are natural, love to color your hair or wear a smooth stylethat take the guesswork out of styling your hair," says Ifeoma Fejokwu, Senior Brand Manager, Dark and Lovely. "The Au Naturale line manages shrinkage, locks in moisture and reduces breakage, which are all benefits that are needed when managing natural hair."
Have you downloaded your free Curly Niki Ebook?