A Day At The Ballpark with MorningStar Farms

Hey everyone. I know it's been a tough week for all of us. I'm going to attempt to get back to normal here on the blog.

Summer has been going well for us. I've been working hard at keeping my son busy with
summer programs and reading, while I've been doing a lot of research and upkeep on Stacie Sayz So.

Last week, I got the chance to take a break from blogging and bring my son to see the Twins.

MorningStar Farms invited us to enjoy a game of Minnesota Twins baseball at that at Target Field. We hung out in a suite and enjoy delicious meatless foods from MorningStar Farms. The weather was hot and we were glad to cool off inside.

My son enjoying the suite life.

We sampled BBQ Chick'n Pizza

and Buffalo Slaw Sliders.

Buffalo Slaw Sliders and Roaster Garlic Quinoa Burgers with Red Pepper Hummus.

I love fixing veggie burgers for my family every once and a while and these were delicious! It got me thinking of more ways that I could incorporate Meatless Mondays into our diets.

Watching the Minnesota Twins in action. They won that game too. We must have been their good luck charm.

Comfortable seats and the perfect breeze. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

Did you know that if you chose to serve a Meatless Monday for your family it could have a positive impact on our environment? You learn something new every day! In fact, MorningStar Farms
Veg Effect Calculator showed their findings on what would happen if we swapped meat meals for veggie meals. Here's the results.

MorningStar Farms Results
When American Adults consume a meatless meal instead of one with meat, there is, on average, at least 40% less impact on the overall environment. 

 This equates, per person, to 3 gallons of water and 24 square feet of land – not to mention reducing each person’s carbon footprint by 3.5 pounds.

* When you eat a meatless meal instead of one with meat, you can save, on average, 32 square feet of land that would be used to produce meat, 140 gallons of water, and the same amount of greenhouse gases you’d create from driving a car six miles.

*  If every single American adult switched a meat- containing meal for a meatless one just once, we could save up to  Two billion miles worth of greenhouse gas emissions from a standard car, 8.9 million acres of land – or enough land for more than 10,500 parks the size of Central Park, 46 billion gallons of water – enough to provide eight 8-ounce glasses a day to over three million people for eighty years.

That's deep isn't it? And I just thought veggie meals were good for me! Watch the video below to learn more.

Have you tried Morning Star Farms foods? Do you currently have Meatless Monday in your home?

I was not compensated for this post.