De-clutter & Spring Decorate with Target Dollar Spot

Spring is in the air, literally. It's in the mid 60's which is unheard of for early March in Minnesota. All this beautiful weather has inspired me to start my spring cleaning.

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Everyone knows that the Target Dollar Spot is the hottest place for cheap home decor and such. The last time I was in Target, I was inspired by all the spring cuteness. I had to purchase a few items and I knew just what to do with them.

My dishwasher space is a mess. I have a portable dishwasher that serves as a counter because we have a small kitchen. It needs some help y'all!

Though I try to keep it somewhat organized, this space still has quite a bit of clutter.

I decided to brighten up the area first with my Target spring wall decor. These were 3 bucks each.
Yes Spring, you are welcome here!

I started out by throwing away all the boxes for tea, cereal bars, and oatmeal and put them in separate containers which cost a dollar. I did that with my cereal as well. The pink watering can and carafe were both was 3 bucks each. Doesn't this look so much more neat and organized?

So the next time your headed to Tar-jay, stop by the Dollar Spot and check out what's new for Spring. Oh, and don't forget your Target coupons too!

Do you love the Target Dollar Spot? How are you decorating and de-cluttering your home?

*I did not get paid to write this post. I just thought it would be fun to share it.