New Year, New Me!

Have you ever wanted to do something drastic ? I mean make a big change in the new year? The other day I was going through YouTube and Instagram, I always find inspiration there, and I decided to try something I have always wanted to do.

I cut my hair off. And when I say I cut my hair, I mean I cut my hair. Me. I did it myself. I only enlisted the help of my husband in blending my back hair after it looked a bit choppy.
It was time for a change. After feeling like my hair always looks the same, I gave myself a short haircut to switch things up. I used to make excuses for not wearing short hair like, "My face is too fat" or "I don't have the right face shape" or "I need to loose 20 pounds first". The heck with all that!

It just seemed like it was the right time.

And guess what? My hair is actually in a tapered hairstyle that is almost a partial big chop. My hair in the back is completely natural and only the front is relaxed. My natural thick waves are definitely showing their true colors. I guess you can say I've been thinking about going natural. Just out of curiosity. 

We shall see. Y'all know I like my fresh relaxers! ;)