How to Be a Relaxed Girl in Curly World

Yes, I still use relaxers and though I love my natural sistahs, really I do, I'm not ready to make the commitment to wearing natural hair.
I don't have the time nor the energy that I know I would need for maintaining natural hair. I'm also aware of all the reasons natural hair can be better for you, like being chemical free. The fact is you can still have healthy relaxed hair.

Tips for Women with Relaxed Hair 

*Wash and condition your hair weekly, this really goes without saying.

*Use products I know I try a lot of different beauty products but your hair is happier when the products are more natural. My favorites right now are Carol's Daughter and Shea Moisture

*Get your hair trimmed or at least do it yourself, if you must.

*Try to stretch your relaxer as long as you can if you hair type will allow it. Mine won't allow more than 10 weeks before it starts to break off, so be careful with this.

*Don't let the relaxer cook more than the directions say. Back in the day, I would leave it on because the longer the straighter. Don't judge, you know you did it too. Now, I know better.

*Don't put heat on your hair more than once a week. I have one day that I will apply heat to my hair and that's after I wash it. After that, that's it. No more heat until wash day.

Related post: Getting Rid of Bad Hair Products

Real Talk

Don't let your peers pressure you into doing something you can't commit to. I used to go back and forth about going natural. Heck, I still do. Especially after looking on Instagram or watching YouTube. I'd be all ready for a big chop and then reality would set in. Girl, you know you ain't ready for this! Never make any huge transition for your hair or anything else in life without at least sleeping on it. Many of mornings I have woke up like yeah, I'm not ready.

You know your hair. Sometimes we get lost in all of the YouTube hype and wonder why our hair didn't turn out like Star 87's or whoever's hair. We may have similar hair types but no one has your exact hair. Just as your skin and face are unique. You weren't created the same as any other and God knows every single one of those hairs on your head, no matter how stubborn they are.

Related post: My Hair Journey

Bottom line?

I'm not pro relaxer, I'm pro you. Whatever makes you happy sis, do that! 

The truth is, one day I will probably go natural, but today is not that day. Maybe when I'm old and grey, but for now, I'm happy being me!

Are you a natural or relaxed girl? What has your hair experience been like?