5 Sistahs That Are Rocking a Relaxer!

If you've been following along by now you know that in my hair journey, I shared that  I still wear a relaxer in spite of the natural hair trend. Today, I thought it would be cool to showcase a few other sistahs with bomb relaxed hair!

Image credit That It Girl
That It Girl - Her polished bob is awesome. My hairstyle wanna be.

Relaxed Karen - I've stalked this lady on Instagram, I admit. I even bought some of the products she uses! Her wavy, relaxed hair is very lustrous. Love it!

Sweeneystyle - This is my ultimate hair crush! Can I say that without sounding weird? Sweeneystyle can rock a roller-set like no one else can! Go girl!

The Happy Ashley - I'm new to her, but her hair is beautiful! She's proof that you can have long, healthy, relaxed hair.

Sw33tSparkl3 - Has very thick relaxed tresses that almost look natural to me. I love how healthy her hair looks.

I can't say that I know their relaxed hair secrets or their relaxed hair regimen. Some may texlax and some relax their hair every six weeks. But, you can follow each lady on Instagram regardless of whether you are relaxed or natural. Beautiful hair is just beautiful hair!

What do you think of these relaxed hairstyles?