Hot Weather Beauty Tips for a Fresh Summer Face

I don't know about you but Summertime makes me sweat. A lot. I'm always blotting my face, trying to stay dry. I decided to put together a list of Summer beauty tips that will keep your face cool.

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Hot Weather Beauty Tips for a Fresh Summer Face

1. Drink lots of water. The best thing you can do for your skin is keep refreshed from the inside.

2. Eat lots of fresh fruits like watermelon. When you take in more water, you'll be more hydrated.

3. Try a Facial Spray. I've used this once or twice before and I remember it being cool and refreshing. Just what you need on a hot summer's day.

4. Use a gentle facial scrub. Do this weekly to slough away dead skin and reveal smooth, glowing skin.  Yes to Grapefruit has a good facial scrub that safe enough to use daily.
5. Just say no to oil. Only use oil free products. Our skin produces more oil in the summer so be careful about the products you use.

6. Skip foundation and opt for a BB Cream or tinted moisturizer. Don't wear foundation except on special occasions. I cant imagine if I had sweaty foundation dripping off my face. Yuck! Tinted  Moisturizer will give you moisture and a little bit of coverage with out the cake mess.

7. Waterproof mascara, yes girl. You need this in your life! Remember Tammy Fae? We don't want that now do we!

8. Keep face wipes in your purse or car, you'll need them! Face wipes are just another way to keep your face clean and fresh when it's hot outside.

What tips do you have for staying cool in the Summer? Do tell!