A New Addition to the Stacie Sayz So Household

I've been keeping a secret for sometime now.  Actually for about 7 months.  I've only told a couple of people, not because I'm embarrassed, but because I was just looking for the right time to announce it.
Well, it's time now so here goes. I'm going to be a grandmother.  Ha!  You thought I was pregnant didn't ya?

Seriously though, this has been no laughing matter for me over the past few months, but I have learned to accept it and move on.  You see, my oldest daughter is expecting a baby in about a month or so.  She's due in August, but were not sure if she's going to go that long.  This baby looks like she may want to come sooner than that.

It's been an emotional roller coaster for me.  I had may daughter when I was 18 and yes, I'm glad she waited four years longer than me, but I still wanted more for her. Only because I know first hand how tough it can and will be for her.  No doubt she'll be a good mom in spite of it all.

Soon to be mommy and baby will be living with us, temporarily I hope.  Shucks, I'm trying to get my grown kids out my house, not add more to it!  But I have to say, I have enjoyed the idea of having a sweet smelling baby around.  I always wanted a fourth child, but I told my family it was either another baby, or a dog.  We settled for the dog.  Now will get our baby!

So in about 4 weeks or so, things will change drastically around here.  Please pray for me that everything will  go smoothly for us as we all adjust to this new little blessing that is coming.  Oh, and pray that my daughter finds a place soon too ; )