Ways To Beat The Heat

A heat wave has hit most of the country and we're all thinking of ways to beat the heat.  Here's a few tips that may seem like common sense to some, but may be helpful to others.

1. The first and most important thing on my list is water, water, and more water!  The average person needs at least 8 - 8oz. glasses per day.  When it's really hot outside, it's easy to get dehydrated, so make sure to drink even more H2O.

2. Stock up on cool treats like ice cream, popsicles, and freeze pops.  These are inexpensive and fun for kids and adults alike.

3. Don't cook heavy foods and resist the urge to turn on the oven.  This is particularly hard for me right now because I want to make Banana Bread!  Fix your family salads, hoagies, or even cold pasta salads, not large portions of meat which can be harder to digest.

4. Don't do major running or walking outside.  Take it easy!  If you don't want to skip your daily workout, head to a mall and walk around inside. Many indoor malls are open before their stores do, which makes it easier to exercise without running into shoppers.

5. Run your errands early in the morning.  Chances are it will be cooler and you'll get more done.

6. See a movie.  Some theaters have free movie days.  Or, see a cheap movie at the $1-$2 show.  These won't be new releases, but if you haven't seen it, it's new to you!

7.  And please, don't forget about Fido.  Make sure he has enough water to drink and let him inside.  Get him a summer hair cut and he'll be thrilled.

*If you don't have air conditioning at home or your power is out, this can be an especially taxing time for you.  Try these tips as well.

1. Go to your basement and hang out there.  Since heat rises, this will be a cool spot for you.

2. Get a spray bottle and fill it with water.  Spray it towards (not in or on) a fan.  The mist will help keep you cool.

3. Head to a cooling station to get relief.  Go to the Mall of America (or any other Mall) and let the kids run around at Nickelodeon Universe or the Lego Store.

4. Turn on your sprinkler and let the kids have at it.  Head to the Dollar Store and purchase water balloons and/or water guns for endless fun.

And if all else fails, stay inside!!!