He Did It!

I knew it was coming and there wasn't anything I could do about it. My sixteen year old son had told us last year that he wanted to save up for a car.  He had just started taking his behind the wheel classes and was very serious.  After acing his permit test and driving sessions, he got his licence.

My son is a hard worker.  Very determined and great with saving money.  The exact opposite of the Diva child.  So I knew it wouldn't be long before accomplished his goal.  But was Mom ready?  NO!

Don't get me wrong.  My baby...uh...son, is responsible and an all around great kid. And, a pretty safe driver too.  Very slow.  Almost turtle-like.  But, I'm just not ready.  Ready to let go...I think.  He's growing up and next week he'll be 17 as well as a senior in the Fall.  Yay!  Second child almost out the door!

I just have to trust God a little bit more.  I worry about my kids, that's just what Moms do. I know he'll be fine because he really is a good driver.  And besides, God's got him covered!  So what better hands can he be in?

I'll be alright y'all. Sniff...sniff.

So what about you?  How was it when your teen first got his or her driving license?  Did you panic or trust they would be o.k.?