MN Bloggers Conference Recap

Saturday, I attended the 2nd Annual MN Blogger's Conference.  This year it was held at the Allina Commons inside The Midtown Global Market, and I must say that the space was excellent. Plenty of bathrooms (if you went last year, you'll know what I mean!)

It was really nice seeing my blogging buddy from up North, Frantic Mommy though I wished we had more time to just chat and hang out.  And of course, it was fun meeting all the newbies (at least new to me) like Micki Sievwright of GourmetGlee.

Now about the food.  I think you all know how I love food!  And guess what?  It was a Taco bar!  Woohoo my favorite, favorite, FAVORITE thing to eat in the whole wide world!!!
Want to know something funny?  The day before I couldn't taste my food because of some kind of funky cold -don't you hate when that happens?  Anyway, I was praying that my taste buds would act right that day.  And you know they did!  I could taste every spicy morsel! I even had seconds, um... well... I usually have seconds anyway ;).
I chose to bring my daughter along this time and we both learned quite a bit.

Here's a quick glance at the classes we took:

Blogs to Riches – A Journey from Blogging Luddite to Successful Business:
Keynote speaker Lee Odden spoke of the success behind Top Rank Online Marketing.

The Pictures With Your Thousand Words: Supporting Your Blog with Photos:
Mandy Dwyer of shared some do's and don'ts for taking pictures for our blogs.
She also took a really nice head shots for a donation.  I'll share it with you when I receive it.

Advertisements, Endorsements and the Casual ‘Like’ – What You Need To Know (If you’re a celebrity blogger or not)
This was hands down, the best class I took. So informative!  Hayden broke down all the FTC disclosure rules, and facebook's new policy. 

*Here's a great tip.  Did you know that when you do a giveaway you can no longer ask people to "like" you on facebook?  It's against their new policies and they can shut down your page.  My thought is that a lot of bloggers' don't realize this yet!  Maybe I'll post my notes in a future blog post.
(Let me know if that's something you'd like to see!)

Vlogging: Lessons to Learn from TV: Erica Mayer happens to be one of the producers at WCCO and she gave great advice on making great vlogs.  Biggest tips for me?  Overcoming fear and how not to look fat!

I want to give a great big hug and shout to all the sponsors and conference organizers.  Missy, Josh, Bill, Bridget, Suzi, and Arik- you guys rock!