Violet Iodine Review

This post is sponsored by Violet iodine, but all opinions expressed in this post are entirely my own.

Lets talk about our girls. Not our daughters, but those girls that are always with us. Those two ladies. You know, your Tatas or Boobs. Whatever you may call them, it's time to talk breast health. Time to deal with our girls being sore or achy before and during our menstrual cycle.

Fortunately, I never had a lot of monthly symptoms to deal with except for a little moodiness and occasional cramps. Now that I am older, I get cramps even less, but I do have to deal with breast tenderness which makes wearing bras a challenge.

Most women can turn to Ibuprofen or Tylenol for monthly symptoms, but there hasn't been anything on the market to deal with breast tenderness until now. Girls, meet Violet Iodine. See my first blog post about Violet Iodine here.

As I said before, Violet iodine is taken once daily, and is a small non-prescription, non hormone pill. Violet iodine alleviates breast tenderness, aches, swelling and heaviness that can sometimes be associated with your monthly cycle which helps your overall breast health.

30 day pack

Individual Violet Iodine pill.

I started taking these daily pills on an empty stomach as suggested. Usually, my monthly causes me to feel crabby while sporting full, heavy breast which can be uncomfortable. Similar to when I used to breast feed. But honestly, this time around, I did not notice breast tenderness at all. These little pills worked. Now if only it could help me be less irritable!

I will say is that it can be difficult to remember to take Violet Iodine while making sure that you take it on an empty stomach. Many mornings I wanted to eat breakfast only to remember that I hadn't taken the Violet Iodine yet. It reminded me of the days I used to take birth control pills. Another thing is that it did make my stomach a little upset, but when I finally ate, those feelings subsided.

Ready to try Violet Iodine for yourself? Visit for more info. You can purchase it at most drug stores like Walgreens and CVS.

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Thank you Violet iodine and Blogger Babes for this wonderful opportunity. Let me know what you think by tagging #HugsShouldntHurt on Facebook and Twitter.